Thursday, May 24, 2007

Random Visitor

So Tuesday afternoon I needed to take some stuff down for the garbage man to get on Wednesday. I opened up my front door and this is what I saw:

Actually, at first I didn't even see the snake because Neo was standing in the way.

You can see Neo doesn't seem at all bothered by the snake right in front of him. They sat that way for a minute or two, then Neo decided it would be a good idea to play with the snake. It being a black snake and all, I didn't mind watching to see what would happen. Reagan was pretty freaked out, though!

Things were fine with Neo batting the snake and all, until he got part of it in his mouth and made like he was going to come into the house. At that point I promptly closed the door. Moments later, because I still needed to get my stuff to the street, I opened it back up and used the broom to push the snake off the porch.

He slithered very quickly through the grass. Neo made chase, but fortunately wasn't able to catch him again.

You just never know what you're going to see when you walk out your front door.


amylake said...


I would've freaked out. And you took a picture!!!



Karen said...

You are so brave. I had way too many scary snake encounters in FL to want anything to do with them now. He does look harmless though. Good for you, for booting him off the porch.

Karen said...

I like the new look Liz. It's very fresh and clean looking. Good choice. ;)