Saturday, September 16, 2006

Reading Counts

I don't have any pictures to post right now, but I do want to brag about Reagan for a moment. As you know, she started 1st grade this year. Her school participates in a program called 'Reading Counts', and it's for grades 1 and up. The kids read books (which have reading lvls assigned to them) and then take a 10 question quiz. If they get at least 7 questions correct, they get 1 point (or more if the reading lvl is higher).

Well, there are 17 children in Reagan's class. Her class has a total of 51 points that have been earned from the quizzes. Of those 51 points, 15 of them belong to Reagan! The next person behind Reagan only has 8 points. So, needless to say, Damian and I are very proud of her. She truly loves reading, and her comprehension is coming right along too.

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