Monday, February 25, 2008

Banana Bread

Reagan had wanted to make this particular recipe for some time now. The recipe came with a miniature baking set that she got for her birthday a couple of years ago!

Reagan is very good at measuring dry ingredients. I try to let her do this herself as often as possible.

She's pretty good with a whisk too!

Reagan loves cracking eggs. She did it perfectly for the banana bread.

Into the oven....

The finished product!


Heather said...

Reagan, that looks like awesome banana bread. Great job!! Love, Heather

trish richardson said...

Hi Liz,

Go Reagan!

I luv your banana bread. Please email me the receipt...

Thank you so much for today's banana bread!

Take care,

trish richardson said...

Sorry, I wanted to type recipe not receipt...

TGIF! :)

Have a great weekend!