Friday, February 02, 2007


This might seem like an odd sort of post, but these are some amazing pictures that Damian took with the macro mode on our camera. He found this wasp nest several weeks ago on our back porch. A couple of days before this picture was taken, I had gone around the house and used an entire can of wasp killer and gotten several nests. It was odd, though, when I got to the back porch I saw several flying around but didn't see their nest. As you can see, Damian discovered where they had been hiding!

They didn't really appreciate the wasp spray. Damian actually shot it up in that crossbeam.
I think this is creepy, but awesome at the same time.

He's hanging on for dear life! Oh wait, he's already dead.

Poor Mr. Wasp.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Ha ha! I'm totally with you on that one. But it was kinda fun to have such a small subject to try out the different camera modes on! That's not as bad as the fact that my cat has killed and brought into the house 2 lizards in the past 2 days. What is it with cats??